
2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Renewable Energy Policy of Spain

Spain was one of the best producers of solar energy in 2002, and it was the center of attraction for renewable energy investors, as it was listed in the top 10 for a certain time ago and is now fully separated from the 10 countries in renewable energy rankings. This ranking has been declining since the regulatory arrangements that led to the halt of FiT implementation in 2013. In October 2017, Ernst & Young's report on 'renewable energy country attractivenes index' listed Spain in 27th place just after Pakistan and Sweden. Sara Pizzinato, the former Managing Director of the Fundacion Renovables, said that it means that Spain is no longer attracting renewable energy investments. How accurate is this today? What happened in 2007? The Spanish government has turned its target to the private investors to meet renewable energy targets set by the European Union. Securing investments with subsidies made it easier for 62,000 people to invest their capital in solar energy pr

Istanbul ICCI 2017 | 23rd International Energy and Environment Conference

ICCI was held on 03 - 05 May this year with its agenda full of sector challenges and advantages by the experts and with high participation. However, we have witnessed this year speakers did not include to their presentations subject such as 'environment' or 'influence on the environment' as opposed to the very content of the conference imply, whilst they have pointed out at a minimum level. Below, I tried to compile briefly the results from the panels I joined. 'Special Session on Energy Research Institute: Following the questions of what kind of development should be expected for the roof? And what are the differences compared to abroad? - Discounts can be made on income tax, or applications can be developed on the income level of the family, such as solar energy roof promotion. - IT-based solutions must be implemented. - PPA compliant in Ireland roof applications. The PPA (dual contract) model in the self-consumption model should also be released here. - N